Got a Hold On Me

Chapter 3
It took me twenty minutes to find the girls sophomore dorm. It lay hidden just past the multi-sex senior dorm building. From what I could see my new home had four floors and the building looked newer then all the other dorms. The wide wooden doors were perched open only slightly. A black and purple flag hung off to the side of the building which read Lady Gala.
The first floor looked like it came straight out of a movie. The lounge room which held the new flat screen tv’s and every kind of gaming and video system available was to the left. Down straight ahead by the stair case was the dorms minnie lunch room and off to the right was the media center/reading room.
After my moment of awe, I glanced at my schedule looking for my room number 24G. I walked past the main room which held a few sculptures and paintings and headed straight towards the stair case. I found my room on the third floor, just to the left of the floor entrance.
Emily Hamit, my first ever roommate, welcomed me into the room with a hug and a “Great to meet ya”. She wore her blond hair down and her make up light. Her clothes, which took up most of the room in the closet, looked like they came straight out of a fashion magazine. I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.
Our first conversation consisted of the new gossip from around the dorm, which at the moment really didn’t interest me but I’ve never been one to burst someone’s bubble so I let her continue. She was definitely a talker. But I didn’t mind, nothing could bring me down from my natural high.
“So have you met any hot guys yet?” she asked, taking a step on her bed to pin up her fallout boy poster.
Placing my ‘unmentionables’ in the bottom left drawer I answered “No, I haven’t had the chance yet.”
“Too bad, there are some fine guys here.” She smiled, admiring her poster “aren’t they hot?”
“um…” I shrugged “they’re okay. They don’t really do anything for me though.”
She shook her head in disappointment “You have no hope.”
I laughed “What?”
She reached over for another push pin before saying “If the guys in fall out boy don’t do anything for you then you’re a lost case.”
I tossed my pillow at her head, missing only slightly “I’m not a lost case; I just think the guys in My Chem are hotter.”
She rolled her eyes and reached over for my pillow tossing it at my feet “I can see there appeal.” She raised an eyebrow “Gerard does have a nice ass.”
“That he does.” I laughed.
After unpacking and getting to know each other we both decided to take a walk around campus and see who we could find. Needless to say I was nervous. I don’t do very well with a pack of strangers, but hey you only live once right? And I really do want to get to know people here.
Liza, an unnatural red head with the body of a boy and Eya, the shortest sophomore ever were the first to call out to Emily. She smiled and hugged them both before introducing us to each other.
“Liza, Eya, this is Jude. This is her first semester here.”
Eya smiled “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” I smiled at Eya before looking over at Liza, who at the moment was eying me like I was a piece of dirt on her new hand bag “It’s nice to meet you”.
Turning so that I was now facing her back Liza said “So Eya, when’s dinner?”
My mouth dropped, I knew I would meet people like her here. I just wasn’t really prepared for it.
“Liza is very high maintenance.” Emily whispered into my ear as we turned away.
Looking back over my shoulder to where Liza was still standing I asked “is that a polite way of saying bitchy?”
She laughed and nodded her head “She was actually my roommate last year.”
I winced “how’d you get out of that?”
“After getting into a few cat fights it wasn’t that hard.”
Once reaching the quad, which now was packed with every student and faculty member on campus, staying by Emily’s side became a very hard task. One I found myself failing after twenty minutes. With so many blonds on campus finding her was like a needle in a hay stack.

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